Tuesday, January 29, 2008

9 Acne Questions and Answers

If you have been distressed because ugly pimples keep popping up all over your face, you're probably wondering how to win your war over acne. This article's purpose is to answer a number of pertinent questions about acne and what you can do about getting your skin back to its former attractiveness.

1. When does acne begin?

It ordinarily commences when adolescence sets in. However, it can remain well into your adult years.

2. What is acne?

It is a very common skin problem caused by extra oil produced by your sebaceous glands. The pores of your skin become obstructed with this excess oil plus dead skin cells. In this situation your skin become a breeding home for bacterial infections -- has the unpleasant end result of unsightly acne on your face and probably parts of your body as well -- like your back and neck.

3. What causes acne?

It is commonly accepted that hormonal changes during puberty bring on the head-on attack of acne.

4. Does it cost a lot of money to fight disfiguring pimples?

It may well be expensive to try to win your own personal war against stubborn breakouts. But happily there are quite a few home treatments you can do yourself that cost very little -- such as being unrelenting about keeping your face really clean as well as eating healthy meals in the place of empty-calorie meals. When it comes to coping with ugly pimples, you may be glad to learn that many of the remedies can make a big difference in your acne problem -- however, they can be pricey.

5. What kinds of over-the-counter acne products are available?

There are a number of factors to take into consideration when someone is suffering with tenacious disfiguring pimples and as a result different types of treatments have been invented. For example, some remedies specialize in attacking the disorder caused by bacteria. Other products pack a fourfold punch -- removing infection, coping with the excess oil production, removing dead cells while trying to cover the destruction caused by pimples popping out all over your face. For example, you might want to give ProActiv a try. It's a popular over-the-counter product and is costly, but you might find that the expense is worth if it returns your skin to its former clear condition

6. How hard is it to find an blemishes treatment that actually works for you personally?

Most acne sufferers can be helped by the various kinds of disfiguring pimples remedies, But you have to be persistent as you are searching for just the right medicine for you. That's because when you choose a new product, you have to give it a good try and that may take a few weeks to see if the cream or lotion you chose works for you.

7. Can food allergies cause pus-filled lumps on your face?

They can and do, so you should be on the lookout to see if any of your favorite foods activate pimple breakouts and then eliminate them if they do.

8. How helpful is it to seek medical care if you are distressed from blemishes?

It just might be the answer for you to go to a dermatologist. There are certain medications that only a doctor can prescribe and one of them may work for you. For example, Accutane although costly, may work and be worth the investment. Remember to be alert for side effects though which you should discuss with your doctor before taking Accutane.

Another blemishes remedy that your medical specialist might prescribe is Retin-A. It not only can help acne, But it can improve wrinkles and skin discolorations and scars as well.

9. What do you do if your face has already been scarred from fighting your war against pimples?

If you often put your fingers on your blemishes or squeeze them or pick them, you will probably scar your face. And these scars can be permanent as well as unsightly. To prevent further scarring, keep yourhands and fingers away from your face.

Removing scars can be costly but well worth it in the long run. You may wish to seek the services of a plastic surgeon or dermatologist. There are several of techniques that have been created that really work to remove embarrassing and unsightly scars.

Don't be disheartened if you don't appear to be making progress in your continuing battle with pimples because help is available. Be relentless as you search for an pus-filled lumps on your face solution that banishes those zits. You'll be glad you didn't give up in your fight against acne.

Fight pimples by reading these acne tips -- http://www.azhealthtips.com/acne-products.html -- Patricia Wagner writes informative health tips at http://www.azhealthtips.com .Anette Blog66447
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