Tuesday, January 29, 2008

How To Apply For Debt Counselling

Once an individual has determined that he or she is in troube in terms of debt, that is, the expenditures per month exceed the monthly income, it is time to go about setting a course of action to right the situation before disaster results. Most debtors will embark on either an official or unofficial debt consolidation program that could include any or all of the following elements: debt counselling, debt management, or consolidation loans. Individuals should keep in mind that as taking out a loan to pay off the creditors is just another form of debt, it is the least desirable of these options. Instead, the first step in a program would be to make a monthly budget that takes into account expenditures such as food, utilities, car payments, mortgage payments, and insurance payments. All of these expenditures have priority as they are essential to life and must be taken care of first. After determining how much money each month is needed for these bills, debtors will need to determine how much they can afford to put towards those outstanding bills. If individuals show enough initiative in these cases and report their plan to a creditor, the odds are that they may accept the plan as is and the debtor will not have to resort to more stringent measures of formal debt consolidation.

Formal debt processes should be avoided for the consumer for the simple fact that, even if the measure is a relatively burden free process such as debt counselling, there is a good chance that your creditors will find out that you have applied for credit repair measures. In order to receive effective consumer debt counseling, an individual must disclose information about finances and debts and these reports will cause a negative score on credit, affecting future applications. Again, though, there are some creditors that may see the application as a sign of individual initiative in terms of paying them back and therefore may still be willing to extend an individual credit once the current situation is resolved.

The very last resort for any individual debtor is taking out a loan in order to conslidate their bills. The worst case scenario is taking out a secured loan, where the individual puts up collateral such as a house. ALthough a second mortgage seems appealling due to the fact that individuals receive a large hunk of cash quickly, the fact is that if an applicant cannot pay their debts, they stand to lose absolutely everything. Individuals must really think about how they came to this spot in the first place; is it really worth a house to pay off the bills that were incured going out to eat or on home entertainment suystems? If an individual must opt for a loan, they should make sure it is unsecured.

When ti comes to debt consolidation and alleviation, there are a few main parts. The first part comes in recognizing that the situation needs a solution, and looking into options.Next, teh money and means to pay off creditors must be found. Finally, individuals must make sure that they see how the sitatuion occurred in the first place and take steps towards avoiding similar mistakes in the future. Individuals who find themselves in heavy debt must take the bull by the horns and be prepared for a lengthy process which requires a lot of commitment in order to re-establish financial well-being.

Charles Parson routinely produces informative papers on subjects dealing with business debt and credit repair. His articles on debt counselling can be encountered on http://www.creditenio.com/counselling.html and also other web pages.Alicea Blog7797
Anabel Blog20665

Online Dating Scams: Forewarned is Forearmed

We certainly don't want to put you off registering with an online dating agency as they generally provide a useful and worthwhile service. Unfortunately, wherever there is honest business activity there will also be those who try to take advantage of you. The best way of avoiding these scams is to know about them, so we've summarised the main dating scams below.

Fake Services

There have been plenty of fake online dating services out there. Often these services are full of photographs of non-existent members and they aim to entice you into taking out a subscription using what are basically computer generated messages. Obviously these services don't last very long so the easiest way to avoid them is to use a well established service that's been around for a while.

Remember: If the photo looks like a clipping from a magazine shoot then it probably was.

Escort Services

If you look for a dating service using search engines then you may come across one of the many escort services dressed up as a dating site. These are often international sites with foreign ladies looking for American or European men. These sites are actually selling sex so they are mainly aimed at men. The last one we visited apparently offered Russian girls who were looking for American penpals or husbands. Very little digging was needed before we were being offered all inclusive VIP trips to Moscow where we would be 'entertained' by the 'lonely' girls we had been corresponding with.

Remember: If you are being offered sex you will probably be expected to pay for it (and don't count on taking delivery!)

Free Services

So called 'free' dating services have also appeared. Many are only free in the sense that they have free registration but charge for actually using the service. This is fine in itself but a few advertise themselves in a way that suggests they are completely free of any charges. We are not keen on this but it's more a dodgy bit of marketing than an outright attempt to steal from you.

These are also a few services that are genuinely free of direct charges. These may initially seem like an attractive idea but you will discover they are full of advertising, have many members who are clearly not at all sincere, and you may also find your inbox is bombarded with spam from all the advertisers your e-mail address has been sold to. The last completely free site we reviewed had a chat room in which we 'lurked' and discovered what appeared to be a group of teenage boys boasting about the rude and offensive messages they had been posting. They had been reported to moderators and their ability to send messages had been temporarily suspended. They agreed the new names they were about to reregister under and then disappeared.

Remember: If they will let you in for free, everyone and anyone else gets in for free as well.

Sweetheart Scams

Apart from problems with sites, you must also beware of individual scammers who join genuine sites to prey on the vulnerable. There is very little the dating sites can do about this as they change their identity and use fake photographs so beware of this even if you are using the most rigorously checked sites.

This particular type of scam comes in a number of flavours including:

- A fellow national working overseas (perhaps in Nigeria) for a few months who needs you to cash money orders for him.

- An overseas lady who loves exchanging messages with you but she urgenly needs money to pay her phone bill so she can keep in touch.

- A wonderful women who is desperate to come and see you but she needs money for medical bills because her beloved mother/sister is very ill.

- A gorgeous and uninhibited young lady (perhaps Russian) who is amazingly eager to come and fulfil all your fantasies once you send here the money for visa and travel expenses.

Collectively known as "sweetheart" scams, the aim of these is simple: to separate you from your money, preferable all of it by getting your banking details or getting you to cash counterfeit money orders that will rebound on you later. Usually the charming/attractive online date is out of the country, either living overseas or 'on business' so a face-to-face meeting is initially out of the question. Naturally the requests for money don't arrive until a relationship has been built (in some cases over several months!) and start with very small, modest and relatively harmless requests that you might feel silly to refuse. People running these scams are playing a 'long game' and are attempting to develop relationships with dozens of possible 'marks' at the same time. One of the characteristics of these is often the fact that return messages are not particularly attentive and do not use your screen name or refer to anything you said previously. This is because it's hard work keeping several internet relationships on the go so the scammer has standard messages that they can send out to everyone with minimal editing: a kind of 'keep em hooked' production line. These are particularly nasty scams as they have involved losses running into tens of thousands of dollars and they play on the needs of people who may be lonely and vulnerable.

Remember: A real date will not ask you for any financial gifts, favours or information.


This is a 'shorter' game. You meet online, you get on well, he sends you gifts, you arrange to meet in a romantic restaurant for dinner. He sends a text to apologise because he is running half an hour late but please wait as he is desperate to meet you. At this point, he knows where you live (you gave him your home address so he could send gifts), that you live alone (it came up in the exchange of messages), and he knows where you are and exactly how long he has to clear your house out.

Remember: He doesn't need to know your home address. Gifts can be sent to you via your Amazon account and other online gift shops will usually let you supply the delivery address once he sends you the order number.

Call Charges

This is an even shorter game than burglary. The story goes as follows: You meet online, he/she sends you a phone number, you call them, they keep you on the phone for ages, your phone bill comes in, you're broke.

Apart from dating, the ease of setting up a premium rate telephone account has let to a number of telephone scams. One that appeared in the UK about a year involved a damsel in distress knocking at your door, explaining that her car had broken down and asking to borrow your phone. Before using it she would offer to pay for the call and you would, of course, refuse this (by doing this, the scammer made sure no charges could be pressed). She would then phone her husband at work and there would be a few delays with getting him to the phone and interruptions so the call would last five minutes. If you were so untrusting that you listened in, you'd hear the conversation with her and a secretary, colleague, husband, background voice interrupting etc. In fact she would have dialed a premium rate telephone number charging up to 150 a minute and be working to a memorised script as she talked to a 5 minutes long recorded message.

Remember: Always check the first few digits of a phone number on the internet to see what the call is going to cost you.

Clearly there are a lot of unscrupulous people out there and this kind of scam works. The British Office of Fair Trading estimates UK consumers lose around 1 billion pounds a year to scams of this kind. Fortunately it's possible to avoid most of these problems by (a) making yourself aware of them, (b) keeping realistic about what you are looking at and how much you know about the person you are messaging and (c) making sure you use a reputable and established dating service.

Valerie Catcheside is the editor of http://ScourTheWeb.info' s dating pages where you can find news, scam alerts, advice and online dating site reviews.Aidan Blog85290
Anette Blog66447

12 Things You Must Do If You Want To Retire With Your Present Income Intact

Baby boomers are that large segment of the population born between 1946 and 1964. Often called the me generation because of their desire for instant gratification, they are barreling full speed ahead toward retirement with one big difference...

Their instant gratification lifestyle got them the new car, the new home, the new high definition TV when they wanted it, but they have saved a much smaller percentage of their income than previous generations.

Now what do they do since they have a big elephant in the room with them called "Retirement Planning?"

1. Baby Boomers Have Neglected Retirement Planning

There is a "Purple Elephant" in the room that the majority of Baby-Boomers have been ignoring, it's called "Retirement Planning," and Baby-Boomers are heading for a shock as they hit retirement; primarily because of vanishing pnesions and inadequate 401(k) savings. But is it too late and what can they do?

2. The Government Will Take Care of My Retirement Needs

After all, Congress passed The Pension Protection Act of 2006. But, as we are all familiar with the results when the Government decides to "Fix" a Problem-right? So will they fix it or make it worse.

3. So did you see the Frontline Special: Can You Afford To Retire?

Here is What You Need to Set Aside...(40) million Americans now have 401(k) plans and many advisors are now saying that you need 15 times your active income.

Frontline Correspondent Hedrick Smith talked with experts about how people are handling this new do-it-yourself retirement saving systems and the common mistakes they're making.

Interesting Sidebar:

Correspondent was talking to an upper-level manager of a major corporation and a secretarial-administrative-assitant type came in the room to serve them coffee. When she left Hedrick asked: "Tell me, Mr. Big, would you let Suzy-Secretary handle your retirement-pension plan and handle your finances for the future?

Mr. Big huffed, and puffed and said: "Certainly not, she's not qualified nor experienced in such intricate financial matters."

Well, said Correspondent Hedrick, you are asking her to do that for her own retirement program.

My fellow baby-boomer, did you get the point?

4. The End of Lifetime Pensions?

Do you know that none of the major airlines have intact pension plans for their pilots?

Troubled companies have dumped their underfunded pension plans, leaving the federal pension insurance system holding the bag. Hedrick Smith talked with experts about whether the private pension system can be protected.

5. Chapter 11 Bankruptcy Strategy is the Answer...

Chapter 11 Strategies have become a strategic tool for troubled companies. Hedrick talked with industry insiders about how it worked in the case of United Airlines, and whether it's time for reforms to protect workers' benefits.

Find out who got protected and who didn't and why....very, very interesting and revealing as to how all this works.

6. Public Pensions-Is there More Trouble Ahead?

Cities and States are facing the same red ink with their pension trust funds as are private companies and corporations.

7. What's It Really All About-What Do You Really Need?

In the beginning of the Frontline segment it interviewed an individual who had the wisdom to set up his retirement, with professional advisors, and thought he had "covered all his bases."

He was receiving monthly retirement checks of $3,000 per month, and this-He and His wife thought-will be our retirement income. Then the unmentionable happened...his company cut his checks by 30%. The result-he had to go back to work and is now driving trucks to make up the difference.

8. An Alternative Solution...

What we all need is a check every month. We need cash-flow, we need money to pay our expenses, our insurance, and an income that will grow in the event of catastrophic health expenses in the future.

9. At Age 55 I Woke Up One Day...

Shortly after I turned (55) I had a wake-up call:

I got sick...fortunately, I had my Veterans Administration Benefits to fall back on; but it made me start thinking. Then the kiss death came. Social Security mailed me an estimation of what I would receive if I took an early retirement at (62.5)...A Whopping $937 per month.

Sure, I can live on this, if I start living under a bridge somewhere, and start panhandling for my living.

Not an acceptable alternative for me...

10. So What do You do if you are +55 And Haven't Saved a Dime

Don't feel alone-there are literally hundreds of thousands of people who have little to show for their efforts.

You may have had the burden of college tuition, unexpected medical expenses, job loss, bad investments, a bad divorce, or maybe like me, you really didn't land your first "Good-Job" until you were after 55.

There can be any number of other events that either drained your assets or prevented you from building that nest egg in the first place. Or, like so many baby-boomers, [aka the "Me Generation"] you may have just been leading the good life until you had your own personal "Wake-Up Call."

But don't throw up your hands and say, "It's too late-why bother?"

Wouldn't you rather end up with some assets than none at all?

11. So What Do We Do Now?

* Figure out what you will have and what you will need

* Put every possible dollar you can dedicate into a tax-deductible retirement plan...this includes any plans your employer sponsors, as well as your IRAs.

* Make a zero-based budget...meaning you start with the absolute essential expenses, and then add expenses from there until you run out of money.

* Take a hard look at your current work situation...could you be getting paid more elsewhere, or be working for a company that has better retirement benefits.

* MY FAVORITE-AND THE PATHWAY I HAVE CHOSEN-start a small business on the site. There are many benefits to this, especially if you are close to retirement. First, you can usually contribute up to 25% of your self-employment income to a tax-dedubtible Keogh plan even if you are already putting money into another plan.

The second benefit of starting a business on the side is that your new knowledge and experience makes you more valuable to your current employer.

Third, if you are laid off or experience job discrimination in terms of pay raise, you have another income.

* Forget the standard retirement age of 65-68. The longer you work the more money you can save, and the fewer non-income producing retirement years you will need to finance.

* Plan to sell your house and buyh a smaller one or get out of the real estate market altogether; especially if you are planning to move to a retirement community with liftetime services.

* Be realistic in your projections and your dreams. Look at each of the above items and use retirement calculators to calculate "what-if" circumstances.

Remember this: There is nothing worse than being retired and broke. And remember this statistic, at age 65, less than 2% of the population has $20,000 in cash. It's too late to start your life over again and save all that money you spent on things that didn't really matter.

Author Credit: Giner Applegarth, 12/13/01 http://moneycentral.msn.com/articles/retire/invest/1210.asp

12. But Which Business?

The Internet Security wave is here! Don't miss a day-get started building your financial future right now.

You can make an important difference in the lives of those you know and care about-AND buidl a solid finanical future at the same time.

Everything you need to get started for just $299.99. The enrollment fee to become an ISA and get your business started on only $270. You will be shipped an ISA Business Success Kit (valued at over $1000) that includes everything you need to get your INVISUS Direct business started and begin earning money immediately.

To get your personal computer protected, the initial month setup fee for your personal subscription to the INVISUS service is $29.99 per subscription. Altogether, for just $249.99, you will have an exciting and powerful new business of your own in one of the most explosive markets ever.

KEEP IN MIND: This is N-O-T a Get-Rich-Quick Scheme, but rather a solid business based upon a product that works, a product that is guaranteed, and one where there is never a charge for customer support. The choice is yours...

When the boomers - about a third of today's workforce - reach traditional retirement age in five years, there won't be enough young workers poised to replace them.

Such labor shortages already are forcing employers to rethink how they will recruit and retain older workers and deal with ' their ultimate retirement.

Aging baby boomers present both an opportunity and a challenge for employers interested in topnotch people, particularly with a labor shortage looming.

Clifford Wall is an independent Internet Saftety Advocate (ISA) with Invisus Direct. He is not a financial planner, attorney, or any other type of financial professional. However, he is a pre-baby-boomer, having been born in 1944. Technically, I guess you could say he was a World War II era baby.

For baby-boomers that have come to Retirement-Shock-Experience that he has, he is recommending that any baby-boomer facing ther same dilemma to give very serious consideration to starting a Single-Office/ Home-Office business with INVISUS.


Clifford Wall is an independent Internet Saftety Advocate (ISA) with Invisus Direct. He is not a financial planner, attorney, or any other type of financial professional. However, he is a pre-baby-boomer, having been born in 1944. Technically, I guess you could say he was a World War II era baby. Angie Blog95831
Alecia Blog4497

Camping Gear - What You Need to Know

There's something about heading off to visit Mother Nature, with nothing but you, lots of trees and a cheerful campfire. It's the best way to experience total peace and quiet. There are no other people, no smog, nothing to do but relax for the weekend. If this sounds irresistible to you, then make sure you do some planning before you head off.

Check out what sort of camping gear you already have. While you might be keen to escape the modern world, it might not be so much fun if you're sleeping on hard ground with a thin sleeping bag and it starts to rain. Don't worry if you don't have all the gear you need for your great escape into nature. If you look online you'll find plenty of sites where you can look at camping gear, compare different styles and brands, then buy what's right for you.

It can be a bit more difficult to know what you need if you've never been camping before. Generally, a tent is necessity. You can chance the weather, but that's only for the very hardy souls! Perhaps if you're going to be close to some well protected caves you can get away without a tent, but otherwise you'll be very glad you have one when that thunderstorm rolls in. Persistent insects and wildlife are also less of a nuisance when you're in a tent.

If you're planning on cooking any food over the campfire, a good campfire grill makes life much easier. If there are fire restrictions or there's no wood available for a campfire, then take along a camping stove. You'll also need some basic cooking utensils, including some pans. Never use your best utensils out of the kitchen; they inevitably get burnt, melted, lost or almost impossible to clean.

Just in case the stars aren't sufficient, a strong torch with fresh batteries or a camping lantern can help. If you need to go wandering in the night, you'll want to be able to check out your surroundings. For sleeping, make sure your sleeping bag is suitable for the conditions you'll be encountering. If you have a lightweight summer bag and it starts to snow, you won't get much sleep because you'll be shivering the whole night.

If you're really planning to get away from the world, to the point that you won't be near your car at night, then you'll need a backpack to carry everything with you. Modern designs are truly wonderful, with all sorts of features to make carrying a pack more comfortable. You can find packs suitable for anything you might plan to do, including strolling round a local park right through to heavy going trekking in the wilderness. Take the time to think about what you need to use the backpack for, perhaps even visit a camping store and chat to the salesperson, but if you choose wisely you won't regret it.

Remember, in the end it's important to travel light when you're going camping. You don't want to have so much stuff in your backpack that you can't even lift it! It's easy to get carried away and buy far too many things and spend a lot of money, but it doesn't need to be that way. Take the time to think about the sort of camping you're likely to do, where you're likely to go, what the weather conditions will probably be, and then choose carefully. By doing that, you'll get the maximum use out of whatever camping gear you buy, and so you'll get great value for money.

Steve Dolan is an avid camper who escapes to the great outdoors at every opportunity. Research the best gear on the web at http://www.campingequipmentweb.com.Ameline Blog63413
Amandi Blog99903

Affiliate Tips and Tricks How To Make Money As An Affiliate

Affiliate marketing and internet sales continue to grow at an extremely rapid rate on the internet. Whether youre a novice or pro when it comes to affiliate marketing, there are still some things that each affiliate does differently to grow his or her internet business. We will try to break down the most effective methods used by affiliates all over the world today that are growing their internet business as we speak.

Free advertising

When most people decide to give the internet a try as a source of income, initially it can be a very challenging and daunting task to accomplish. Many people believe that it takes loads of startup capital to get a business off the ground on the internet. This idea simply isnt true. First off all, lets get one thing straight; anyone can advertise their business for free. Running a simple search in google for the keyword, free advertising, or business classified ads will bring up loads of places to place your ad for free. A few favorites are Us Freed Ads, craigslist and backpage.com. Placing an ad at anyone of these places will surely generate some free targeted traffic, and Google just loves Us Freed Ads.

List Building and Auto Responders

List building is probably one of the most effective forms of marketing online. Creating a website that captures a visitors name and e-mail can be a great source of future income. The mistake here is many people capture names and e-mails just for the sake of doing it. Visitors will be more inclined to fill out your form if you have something to offer them such as a free news letter or report giving away little tips and secrets. After you have captured the names and e-mails of possible consumers, use a auto responder to send them a series of e-mails explaining your product or service, but be sure to build a relationship with your readers first. Never try to sell them on the product immediately. Over time you will begin to notice a sense of trust being built and an increase in sales.

Article Marketing

The internet is full of information and hungry for more 24 hours a day 7 days a week. Writing informative articles about your product or service and submitting these articles to article directories greatly enhances the exposure of your website. Simply write an article on your product, submit the article and in the resource box, place some information on yourself and a link back to your site. If you are trying to sell products on dog training, be sure to use the keyword dog training in the title of your article for better Google placement. A few places to check out are ezinearticles.com goarticles.com and searchwarp.com. Not only will you build quality traffic to your site, but you will receive tons of quality back links to increase you websites PR as well.

Copyright 2006 Timothy Rohrer

Timothy Rohrer is an established author and home business owner. To learn more about making money as an affiliate, visit http://www.1step-profits.comAllison Blog20899
Almira Blog82432

Did You Know That The Problem Of Unclaimed Cash Was A Multi Billion Dollar Problem?

Have you ever dreamed of a scenario when money belonging to you would suddenly find its way back to you to make things better? Ever dreamed of a sudden windfall? Well your dream is not pure fantasy. As on date, thirty five billion dollars is lying idle with the government because you and the other citizens have not claimed the same.

If you want to determine whether you could be owed unclaimed money, just ask yourself whether you have stopped using your bank account or saving account without closing the same. If you have, chances are that the money in the account became unclaimed money. Institutions turn in the money to the government if the money is lying idle for three years and if the owner cannot be contacted.

There are laws, called escheat laws that require the companies and institutions to turn the money over as unclaimed money. The government holds the money on behalf of the original owner. The same can be used by the individual only after he or establishes proof of ownership.

The unclaimed money program of the government has a few MAJOR problems. Some of them are listed below:

The person to whom the money is owed is never aware of the fact that the money is with the government and that the money is unclaimed money.

While the State ought to advertise a lot and advertise in detail to solve the problem, the truth is that the State is very casual in advertising about the problem. The end result is that we have mass ignorance about the problem.

Inexplicably, the state does not keep the cash in its hands until the owner is found. Rather, it spends the money in the form of general funds.

The state of California spends more than six hundred million dollars of unclaimed money on an annual basis.

States do not try to solve the problem on a national level. The website of the state contains its database of owners of lost money. A search through this database would omit the 49 state databases and the federal database.

You search for unclaimed money will not end unless you search the database of all the states along with the federal database.

For a proper search, visit quality websites like http://cashunclaimed.com where you can key in your name and get the results for not just your name but also the variations of your name.

Bill McIntosh of http://cashunclaimed.com strikes the nail on its head when he says that search for unclaimed money through the databases of all the fifty states and the federal database must include the search for the names of your friends and family as well. Only then can the problem be solved quickly.

Nicole Anderson offers information about unclaimed money at the website- http://www.cashunclaimed.com. The website offers unlimited search to all its members. The members can search the comprehensive database that covers the databases of fifty states as well as the federal office.Alexandra Blog7603
Alyce Blog12872

Ways to Find Discount Home Owners Insurance

If you are looking for a cheap home owners insurance, you often have to compromise with the price; the more expensive the better policy. Although this is the main rule, there are some exceptions. One of these exceptions is discount home owners insurance. How do you find it?

Have You filed claims the last couple of years?

If you haven't filed any claims for a couple of years or so, you might be able to save some money to the tune of 15% on your premiums. Also, if you use the same insurance company for a couple of years, that will also look good and you can save bucks.

Why Not Get Multiple Policies From The Same Provider

It might be a great solution to get it all together ? auto, home, health, travel and whatever other coverage you need to get under the same company, you can save lots. This can chop off a wopping 10-15% of your premium. All it takes is just a little bit of planning!

Are You Protected?

It's standard for many companies to offer you a discount if you have things like burglar alarms or smoke detectors installed. You might also have one that is connected to a third party monitoring company. That will save you even more bucks.

Know Where The Nearest Fire Station Is

There are a few things in terms of location that can alter your premiums. If you live far from a fire station or fire hydrant, you'll normally have to pay more. The opposite is the case If you live within the city limits; them you will pay less on your premiums, compared with living out in the sticks.

The Building Materials of Your House

What your house is made if will actually make a difference in how much you pay. For example, wood houses carry higher premiums than good, solid concrete structures.

Higher Payments On The Deductible

If You can afford it, you should pay as much as possible on your deductible, thus your premium will be lower. If you are able to pay something like $200 or $1000, you can bring that premium down as much as 20%!

Stop Smoking!

Non-smokers will save cash; even as much as like 15% in many cases. Check out if the company you use offers a deal for non-smokers.

Now, after I have provided you with a few pointers to help you save cash on your house you might be ready to buy your home owners insurance. Anyway, you should consult your agent. Most insurance agents also know of some tricks to get you out of paying piles of cash.

Marvin Toller is a writer and internet publisher who likes to write about nsurance issues. You can read more on the news and in depth information website http://www.best-cheapest-homeowners-insurance.comAnnora Blog3929
Alejandrina Blog85483

Freelancing as A Career Option

Home bound workers can either consider telecommuting or freelancing. While telecommuting may keep you out of your home for some hours a week, online freelancing is a good way to make money if you are forced to stay at home. For example, homemakers, part-time students, retired folk, or others who wish to supplement their income from jobs or businesses can all consider freelancing.

Freelance Skill Sets

You can start earning as a freelancer as long as you have skills that someone is willing to pay for. For example, writers, web designers, photographers, and programmers can earn a substantial income by creating articles, websites, portfolios and software from home. The Internet is a hot and viable source of income for freelancers from around the world. Your target customers can be webmasters, online business owners, blog owners etc. For example, blogs and wikis are hot sources of income for freelance writers nowadays, and there's no reason why you can't tap into this market if you possess good writing skills.

Freelance Income

On the flip, your income may fluctuate from one month to another. As with all businesses, freelancing does not guarantee a stable paycheck at the end of the month. So keep a small kitty reserve for dry days or have another source of income for which you can work part-time. Be prepared to accept boring, low-level work initially just to keep the cash flow strong. Once you get a good reputation for providing original, high-quality work at reasonable price, then clients will flock to you.

Freelance Advantages

Probably the best thing about freelancing is that you get to work at your pace, in your own hours, from home, and be your own boss. That means, your shop is open 24x7. And as long as you provide good quality work and meet deadlines, your clients will remain happy with you.

In order to be visible, you also need to be seen and heard in the right places, like forums, blogs, online groups, etc. Spend time everyday to visit such sites because they are invaluable repository of freelance gigs and email addresses of prospects. Alternatively you can sign up with freelance sites like Elance.com, GetAFreelancer.com and Scriptlance.com where you can start bidding on projects and snag a few as early as today!

To conclude, a freelance business is one of the best ways to earn money from home and to work for your own self. If you've got a fair amount of time on your hands, maybe you too should consider freelancing as your full-time career alternative or supplementary income source.

(Hint: While you can find plenty of lucrative freelance assignments on Elance, the other sites mentioned above generally tend to feature lesser-paid projects. However, if you're just starting out as a freelancer, the competition on Elance can prove to be really tough. So you might want to first try GAF and Scriptlance to build up your portfolio, and then go for Elance.)

Lewis Low is the founding editor of OnlineBizPromo.com. For more Practical Online Business Ideas and Work-From-Home Opportunities, visit his Work-At-Home directory at http://www.OnlineBizPromo.comAmandi Blog99903
Alli Blog34799

Basics Of Federal Bond Issues

Most people associate the term investments with stocks and mutual funds, but Federal bond issues also constitute a major chunk of the overall investments market. The annual turnover of US Federal Bond issues is many times more than that generated by the collective stock markets. Although considered the safest investment options in the US, Federal Bonds are not free from obscurity. The following information will help you understand the basics of these bonds.

How and why they are issued?

The main organization that coordinates Federal bond issues is the Central Bank, which first conducts a market survey to assess the current investment needs of investors. This survey involves consultations with various entities like investment dealers, banks, and other financial organizations that are experienced in handling Federal bond issues. Before introducing the bonds in the market, the Federal government needs to determine their exact purpose, which may be for constructing a new road or bridge, refunding government debt or for funding some other project that is designed to serve national taxpayers or some other federal constituents. In addition, the Federal government has also to determine the legal parameters required by the federal legislation beforehand.

Marketing the bonds

For marketing the bonds, the government can select either a single underwriter or a group of them, based on the size of the bond issue. The government is required to supply copies of a disclosure document that provides bond related information to potential underwriters, to enable them to bid for the issue. For this purpose, the government hires the services of a professional bond counsel firm that looks into the legal aspects of the issue, in consultations with the official government solicitor. Both the counsel firm and the solicitor work together to check the applicability of the bond issues, in relation with federal and state law, and tax approvals. This is done to ensure that proper legal procedures are being followed. The marketing phase of Federal Bond issues usually lasts a week, during which potential underwriters review and evaluate the terms and conditions of the bond issue. This helps them in quoting an appropriate bid amount. This process is eliminated, when the government appoints a single underwriter, based on past relationships with the person. If multiple underwriters are to be appointed, the government allows all interested parties to submit their purchase bids, which includes general terms and conditions, the term of the bond issue, the actual amount of the bonds, interest rates, amortization schedule, and details about prepayment provisions.

Completing documentation requirements

In the final phase of the process of issuing Federal bonds, the appointed underwriter wires the purchase price to the paying agent, who in turn transfers back the cost of issuance according to the terms and conditions. The paying agent is also entrusted with the task of allocating funds to the appropriate parties or projects, depending on the original purpose determined in the initial phases of the Federal bond issue. The counsel firm then prepares the closing documents, a copy of which is sent to all the participants of the issue.

The closing documents are highly technical in nature and you will have to be a law professional to understand the kind of information given in them. These documents are used as a proof that the terms and conditions of the purchase proposal have been fully approved.

The basic information provided above will help you to familiarize yourself with the practical details of Federal Bond issues. By investing a part of your savings in Federal Bond issues, you can hedge against risks that are quite common in other types of investments, such as stocks and derivatives.

Joe Kenny writes for CardGuide.co.uk, offering the latest credit cards for UK applicants, and also many balance transfer credit cards to transfer your debt to an introductory 0% credit card deal.Aleen Blog18402
Annmaria Blog62385

How To Make Money With Your Digital Camera

If you own a digital camera, you have probably taken at least a few photos that you think others would like. Did you know that its quite easy to make money with most any digicam even a low-end point and shoot? Well, it is, and Im going to tell you how to get started!

You dont need to be an experienced professional photographer to start earning money with your digital camera. And you certainly dont need a bunch of expensive photographic equipment. All you really need in order to earn some extra cash and possibly even a good living - is a decent digital camera, an active imagination and a little practice.

First, lets discuss the practice part. Get out and start taking a bunch of pictures. Take pictures of anything and everything you see including landscapes, buildings, automobiles, animals, peoplewell, you get the picture. Take pictures of everything, even things that might seem boring or uninteresting.

The key to getting several great pictures every time you pick up your camera is to take a boatload of them! In fact, I fill up my cameras 2 GB memory card virtually every day. Thats 569 high-resolution images per day! Out of that many pictures, I almost always have several keepers. Of course the advent of digital cameras has made it very easy and inexpensive to take tons of pictures any time you want to.

Be sure to spend some time learning your camera as you take your practice shots. Practice using the different settings and picture taking modes available on your particular camera model so that youll be prepared to capture the best images possible under a wide variety of conditions. For example, low-light photography, action photography (sports) and portraits all require different skills and varying camera settings in order to produce the best results.

After you have become familiar with your camera and feel confident about using its various settings, its time to start making some money. Studio portrait photography probably isnt an option unless you already own (or are willing to buy) the proper equipment. This includes a high-quality camera and lens, lighting equipment, backgrounds, etc. But there are plenty of other types of photography you can make money at with nothing but your quality digicam. For example, you can take pictures at birthday parties, amateur sporting events, family reunions and many other types of social events. You can also take pictures of local landmarks and tourist attractions and sell them on eBay or even your own website. The opportunities for making money by taking pictures is limited only by your imagination!

Regardless of the types of photographs you plan to take, here are a few tips to keep in mind:

1 Always take plenty of pictures. If you max out your memory card, youre virtually guaranteed to have several great pictures that your client will be happy to pay you for.

2 Take pictures from several different angles and with varying camera settings. It will do you no good to take 500 pictures at a birthday party if they are all exactly alike!

3 Anticipate where the action is going to be and be there yourself when it happens. For example, if youre taking pictures at little Johnnys first Pee-Wee football game, make sure youre in the best spot to get a good picture when he scores a touchdown.

4 Always be practicing with your camera and learning new photographic skills. Spend some time online keeping up with the most popular photography forums as well as the numerous photography help websites.

5 Submit some of your best photos for display on several photography websites such as TodaysPhoto.org. Youll receive plenty of free exposure for your work resulting in more business.

Conclusion: You really can turn your photography hobby into a money-making venture. And who knows, you just might find that you can do it full-time and kiss your day job goodbye!

Rick Rouse is the owner of TodaysPhoto.org. Visit him and submit your own photos to be considered for use as a Picture Of The Day at http://www.todaysphoto.org.Aeriela Blog26893
Ariel Blog53968

What You Need To Know About SEO: Basic Facts

Exposure could mean a lot for different firms, organizations or groups seeking a wider venue to make their views heard, accepted, and patronized. The main term used for this web-positioning method is the seo, or the Search Engine Optimization.


What exactly is Search Engine Optimization?

The Internet age has spawned a phenomenon of new terms, new jobs, and new career paths. The growth of the Worldwide Web is creating a new realm, where new types of internet-savvy folks engage in careers that require the skills of an intrepid explorer, searching for new worlds to discover. Among these new tasks are those that require the faster, more strategic placement or positioning of company adverts, documents, products or issues, in order for these entities to have the most maximum level of exposure in the web.

Exposure could mean a lot for different firms, organizations or groups seeking a wider venue to make their views heard, accepted, and patronized. The main term used for this web-positioning method is the seo, or the Search Engine Optimization.

Search Engine Optimization is the terminology used to define, or describe the action of gaining a better position within a search engine or internet directory system based upon a selected key word or a group of key words. With well over 4 billion documents already on the internet, the prominent search engines are all flaunting that they can locate most of them and show you a link from within their systems, and each of the search engines or directory providers have different guidelines by which a listing within their system is accomplished.

* Achieving Maximum exposure

As web-updated consumers, we are constantly on the lookout for sites that address our specific interests, goals, or products at a specified time and day. Most of us do not always know the URL (Universal Resource Locator) for all the types of businesses that can fulfill that interest, so we use a search engine or directory service to find them for us.

For example, I plan to go out and take my girlfriend with me to a bar, but I havent got an idea of which place to go to that I havent already been to yet. The next most probable step for me would be to go to a search engine and type in something like: bars and restaurants pasadena ca"; I put in the quotation marks to make the search more specific, to get me closer to what I am looking for. The phrase I wrote, "bars and restaurants pasadena ca" will be used represent my main key word phrase.

Once I write those key words, I am, hopefully, going to get back a list of the restaurants within the greater Pasadena area, and I indeed got well over 500 or so choices too. What makes it more helpful is that I could find those assorted choices in the local phonebook listings. However, if I wish to make my list of choices much shorter, I would type in, or enter a new search maybe like: "jazz bar pasadena ca.

Once the search engine has done its job, then I probably will get a shorter list with these new, more precise characteristics. However, the list created will be made in an order that is determined by the search engine. The first one may or may not be starting with the letter A or a number like the one on the phone directory.

From the bar and restaurant viewpoint, if they could be in the top 10 or 20 and get a lot of hits or visits by web users, they will have a chance of being seen by the searcher. This is what Search Engine Optimization is all about: gaining a position as close to #1 as possible and then staying there on top, and to achieve maximum exposure.

* Its all about location

For those who own businesses, then the primary name of the game is profits. Revenue of course, comes from people who spend their incomes with you. The more people spend their money with you, the richer and more successful you become.

In todays business environment, it is all about LOCATION, and the next important word that comes is ADVERTISE.

The way the worldwide web works is the same as in the world of advertising or the directories: Its about location in the search engines and directory systems, and advertising. If your listing is something less than the top 100, you stand an excellent chance of never being seen, or viewed. Most people are notoriously impatient, and they do not wish to wade through tons of listings. This simply means that you really need to be near, or on the top of the lists for the key words that you feel your prospective customers are, or will be using to find you.

* How Search Engine Optimizers Do This

Improving your position on the web could be done through a wide variety of methods. An easy way for this is to hire a professional Search Engine Optimization firm that can do the job for you. You could check their fees and price ranges on the web or the phone book. The process is definitely a labor-intensive one, and definitely doesnt come cheap.

But anyway, you too can do it yourself. All you need to do is to get the rules for listing within each of the engines and directory systems where you wish to be listed, the register with them. If they allow you to point to secondary pages that also discuss specific topics, then be sure to do that by pointing to the pages within your site that cover that topic. You may also need to check on your position every month within each of the engines and directories to see how you are stacking up, and sometimes you may need to modify your site to improve your position, as well as your exposure.

Vanessa Arellano DoctorAllianora Blog31680
Arleta Blog45629

The Online Borrowing Low Interest Online Loans

Whenever people need money in form of loans, they run towards loan market to get the loan. They go for deals which first come in their notice, but in practice they ignore the fact that they can get better deals at lower rates which are available in the market, if they do some research work. However, this needs lot of time, as you have to visit the offices of all the lenders available. It may not be possible for every person to take out such time from their busy schedule. But with internet becoming the portal for the loan lenders, this research is now just a matter of few clicks. Through this, you can get information about numerous low interest online loans in very little time.

Low interest online loans are loans with low rate of interest. These loans are multipurpose loans, which mean that you are free to use the loan amount the way you want. Some examples of its usage are debt consolidation, buying residential and commercial properties, investment in business proposals, home improvements, funding education and wedding expenses, buying car or boat or you can use the low interest online money for holidaying around the beautiful places of the world.

Low interest online loans provide you with following features:

Enhanced searching for loans eliminating the task of going to lenders office

Saves time and energy of the borrowers

No up front cost

Free online loan quotes on dozens of loan websites to choose from.

Comparison tools, debts and repayment calculators and budget planner to help you understand a loan better.

Reduced paper work with lesser formalities

Fixed and variable interest rates to choose from

Easy and simple online application form secured under data protection act 1998.

Faster application and approval process

Borrowers are regularly updated for all of their transactions for repayments

There are basically two forms of low interest online loans: secured and unsecured. The amount and repayment term is depended on the collateral presence. With collateral you can borrow amounts up to 75000 for longer terms. On the other hand, you can get quick cash support from 1000 to 25000 for a period up to 10 years with an unsecured low interest online loan.

Low interest online loans are available to homeowners, non-homeowners, tenants, PGs, employed or self employed people, ex-servicemen and also to people with a bad credit score including CCJs and IVAs, defaulters, arrears and bankrupts.

A low interest online loan is the perfect partner for you when borrowing money is on your mind for satisfaction of your wants

Ashley Lewis has been associated with FastOnlineLoans. Having completed her Masters in Finance from Cranfield School of Management. She provide useful advice through her articles that have been found very useful.To find more about fast online loans, fast online loan, fast personal loans, low interest online loans, personal loans, online personal loans visit http://www.fastonlineloans.org.uk.Alana Blog59006
Annora Blog3929

Forex: The Keep It Simple Stupid Guide

A wonderful way to diversify your investment portfolio is to learn forex trading. Many new investors have discovered the world of foreign exchange trading to be an exciting new challenge. One that is filled with rewards that are beyond what they were achieving as stock traders. Currency forex trading is a great way to branch out into new investments. Experience a completely new world of investing by stepping outside of the chaotic domestic economy.

The unique thing about the forex market is that it never closes, if you feel like trading at 2am it's not a problem. Unlike with other markets, such as the stock exchange, you can continue dealing with the currency trading market without worries over it closing at the end of the day. Websites give you 24-hour access to monitor what has been happening in the world currency markets at anytime. Through these sites you are able to learn all the basics about the market.

The websites will include tools and tips to guide you through the beginning steps of trading. This is a clear advantage because you can hone your trading skills before laying down your own money in the market.

When you think of it, the forex firms are training you to become skilled at trading for free by providing guidance, demos and news at no additonal cost. In a short while you will start feeling confident in trading and investing in forex. It only takes about $300 to start getting some good returns.

Learning forex does not require that you have a degree in economics or that you study the markets for years. The forex trading websites have made it easier for you to become successful. Forex brokers will give you access to the market for your currency trading.

Just like stock brokers, they can provide you accurate information and advice on how to deal with Forex trading strategies. Advice includes all the aspects of the Forex trading market which extends to research approaches and technical analysis to improve the member�s trading performance. Naturally, because this market has apparently been providing a great return on investment, large financial institutions have been proactively monopolizing the market.

However, with the trading firms, small-time individuals also have the opportunity to earn money through Forex trading brokers. As I mentioned earlier, the online firms have been providing powerful website tools to become familiar with the whole idea of the currency market.

Your choice of Forex trading broker will largely depend on your need in the trading market. Many brokerage sites will provide trading simulators and expert advice as well as research and analysis designed for first time traders. Furthermore, these websites typically provide experienced online Forex traders who offer in-depth advice to forex traders of all levels. All of these tools are available to beginners to try out.

You really can earn money by taking the time to learn forex trading. The availability of investment simulators and 24-hour customer support enables new investors to learn quickly. Not only can you be trading in no time, you will also be showing a tidy profit. Start researching forex trading. You might be shocked to see how many large companies are involved.

Jim Wilson gives you more free information at Alternative Investing Try The Forex Market. Search other helpful articles at- Alternative Investing Try The Forex Market Articles. Click here http://www.forexminitrading.comAnnnora Blog97746
Andromache Blog78434

Squeezing Greater Performance In A Tight Market - The New Business Paradigm

A recent study showed that 87% of Americans expect to continue to do things the same way and still get different results. Does this philosophy drive your companys performance?

In todays market, many managers have retrenched their approach to managing their company. Many have given lip service to new ways of managing while continuing to use old, outdated measures of performance and success.

Not enough business leaders are stepping to the plate and asking: Why are we in business? What is our vision? What is our true goal? The companies lead by these leaders equate growth with size, they implement Strategic Planning by multiplying the previous years volumes and profits by a growth factor derived from the value of the companys stock. What they are doing is taking a shortcut to sustaining growth; they are doing it in terms of physical expansion and short-term profit results.

These leaders are placing greater and greater unrealistic demands upon the infrastructure of their companies. These demands are not unlike the forces placed on the earths crust when the giant tectonic plates rub against each other. The results are the same in either case an earthquake.

How long can these companies sustain these artificial levels of growth? How long can the employees of these companies endure the added strain? The short-term focus of American Management has to change and it has to change for real. A new paradigm for business management is needed.

In the old paradigm, managers focused on what happened in the past to determine where they should head in the future. Often times they had little or no understanding of the causes of what happened in the past, they merely reacted to it. Budgets are generally based upon what you did the previous year and held to that level or less. Managers expect their employees to do more with fewer resources, yet do not have a realistic plan of action to achieve their objectives. The old paradigm also maintains that objectives are written to ensure performance in order to achieve maximum bonus, instead of needed results.

The old paradigm is nothing but an illusion that often confuses motion with progress. It gives us a false sense of hope and security, which often brings about economic instability. The old paradigm adds many distractions that distort the real picture of what is happening in business and creates an optical illusion.

A Paradigm Shift Is Needed

It is time to discard the old paradigm and usher in a new one. The new paradigm must champion creativity and innovation at all levels of the organization. It must foster true empowerment of all stakeholders not just the investors.

The old paradigm promotes firefighting and engenders a focus on problems and reaction to them. Its focus is in the past, not on the vision of what could be. It produces a CYA mentality and encourages an atmosphere of blame, all of which is counter-productive.

The new paradigm promotes creativity and innovation. It is based on the logic of:

* Continuous improvement
* Deployment of empowered cross functional teams
* Communication of information across all levels of the organization
* Organization-wide system of accountability

Differences Between The Two Paradigms

What are the differences between the two paradigms? Figure 4 below, shows the differences between the two paradigms. First of all, the old paradigm embraces responsibility rather than true accountability. Responsibility is assigned and limits the employee while accountability is negotiated and allows the employee a greater degree of anticipation and innovation.

The reliance on mass production often holds the organization firmly in the grips of the old paradigm. The system makes large quantities at statistically acceptable quality levels and disposes of unused inventory at fire-sale prices. Mass production is the comfort zone of most managers, it is what their bonuses are paid on, it is how they have been taught to manage, and it is ingrained in the cost accounting principles that drive traditional manufacturing. Lean production on the other hand requires new ways of looking at manufacturing, new processes and procedures, new management styles, and above all a new cost accounting system. It requires a system that makes what the customers want with zero defects, when they want it, and only in the quantities that they want it.

Under the old paradigm, budgets are built based on what the budget of the previous year was plus or minus a few adjustments here and there. Under the new paradigm, budgets are built according to the needs spelled out by the accountability system and requirements of the lean management system. The old paradigm encouraged a sharp focus on the needs of the investors (many of whom make up executive management) and less attention to the needs of other stakeholders. The new paradigm requires a balanced approach in addressing the needs of all stakeholders.

Organizational structure under the old paradigm promotes individualism and is often bureaucratic and primarily line and staff oriented. The matrix management system adopted by some companies still relies on the principles of the line and staff organization, it just spreads out and clouds the responsibility issues. Leadership under the old paradigm is primarily leadership by executive fiat and coercion. The new paradigm requires a truly empowered team-based organization where leadership is based on vision and broad participation.

Making The Change

Shifting from the old paradigm is not easy; it often requires a complete management style change. It requires the design and implementation of a total lean management system. Management considerations include:

* Setting up a lean management system requires assistance and time

* The process of transforming a company from the old paradigm to the new requires many physical procedural changes which are often accompanied by major upheavals in company structure and processes.

Despite these considerations, the question to ask is not: Can we afford it? Rather the question can we afford not to do it and still survive?

It is often tempting for many executives to try and piece-meal the transition and put in place many of the components. Still living in the old paradigm, they react when they dont get the results they expect and go on to something else. Success in making the transition from the old paradigm to the new paradigm requires bold initiative and a strong vision coupled with determined leadership.

A Complete System Is Required

Management must be totally committed to making the transition. The transition requires outside assistance from someone who is not tied to the old ways of doing things. The transition also requires the formation and support of a transition steering committee. The organization also needs to appoint a champion to execute the day-to-day planning and implementation of the transition.

At Alera, we help organizations build, nurture and support the logic and mechanisms that drive the transition to the new paradigm. Our Improving Performance Through Lean Management system is specifically designed to assist with the transition from the old paradigm to the new paradigm. The Alera Improving Performance Through Lean Management system is a practice built around several key concepts and physical tools. It is a comprehensive approach that builds, promotes, and sustains lean management by incorporating:

* Accountability structure
* Business renewal process
* Organizational learning structure
* Employee involvement
* Empowered team structure

We at Alera are committed to helping you make the transition to the new paradigm


Brice Alvord has over thirty years experience as an internal and external performance improvement consultant. He holds a BA in Sociology/Psychology from Central Washington University and an MBA degree from City University of Seattle. He is the author of over two dozen books on continuous improvement and training.Adriana Blog71724
Alys Blog20384

A Quick Way to Get Cash- Bad Credit Payday Loan

Finding it difficult to meet to urgent cash need? Bad credit might have hampered several of your financial activities, but it can no more stop you from getting a loan. Now you can get easy and fast money with bad credit payday loans which can get you quick cash for your urgent financial need.

Bad credit payday loans are meant for individuals who need instant money. You might face situations when an unexpected medical bill arises or you might have to pay your phone bill or electricity bill for which you might not arrange for fund from your monthly salary or you might not want to disturb your savings or there could be any other reason why you are unable to meet your urgent cash needs. Payday loans are available to you in a very short time so that you can easily get through emergencies without any debt pressure.

As you get payday loans within a very short time, there is not much documentation and hence no credit check is run by the lender. Thus, in order to avail payday loans all kinds of credit holders including bad credit individuals.

Payday loans are available to you if you fulfill the following conditions:

-You must be a regular employee of any organization or firm

-Your minimum salary should be 1000

-You should have a current checking account

-You should be a UK citizen with above 18 years of age.

In order to avail bad credit payday loans you have to be employed. This is for the one major reason that payday loans are offered against a post-dated check signed by you in and kept with the lender in advance. This check serves as collateral against the loan and has the total amount included which the borrower will have to pay at the repayment term. When the term gets over, the lender automatically gets the loan amount back including other charges.

A bad credit payday loan can get you loans up to an amount of 1500 and with a repayment term of a week to a month. The interest rate depends on the loan amount and the repayment that you choose.

Quick payday loans can be easily availed if you apply online. Online lending gives you an option to go through the websites of several lenders and get a clear picture of loan rates. When you get the idea, you can easily choose and select the best lender according to your requirement and repayment capacity. Online quick payday loans also offer a great deal of benefits to bad credit holders by offering discounts and concessions.

Avail bad credit payday loans and get quick cash within as less as 24 hours. So what are you waiting for, get rid of emergencies and be stress-free.

Tim Kelly is an expert in finance having completed her LLM in Finance (Master of Laws in Finance) from Institute for Law and Finance at Frankfurt University. She is currently working with Bad Credit Payday Loan as a financial advisor. To find bad credit payday loan,bad credit personal payday loan,Online bad credit payday loans,bad credit payday cash loan,advance bad credit payday loan that best site's you need visit http://www.bad-credit-payday-loan.net.Aleen Blog18402
Alecia Blog4497

Want Quick Cash? Payday Loans Can Get You Fast and Instant Fund

Are you in urgent need of cash? Forget borrowing from your friends and relatives. With fast payday loans, you can easily meet your urgent cash need.

Fast payday loans are short term loans that are offered to fulfill your urgent requirements. You might face emergencies like paying medical bill, electricity or educational bill, car repairing etc. You usually cannot afford to pay for these urgencies with your monthly income as it may hamper your entire monthly expenses. Fast payday loans thus provide a great respite in this situation by giving you loan in a very short time.

You cannot expect to get a fast payday loan by visiting lenders and asking them for loan quotes. Fast payday loans are ready to avail loans that are available online. The internet is jam-packed with a vast amount of lenders. All you need to do is to choose the best lender among them which you think is suiting your financial conditions. Once you select the lender, you will be asked to fill an online application form in which you will have to put your employment details, residential proof, identity proof etc. Apart from that, in order to get a fast payday loan, you need to fulfill certain conditions. First of all you should be a UK citizen with above 18 years of age. You should also be a full-time employee of a company. You are also required to have a bank account as the loan money will be transferred to this account only and also the matured amount will be withdrawn automatically at the end of the loan term by the lender.

Fast payday loans are made available to you for a short period of time and thus there is no question of putting collateral against the loan. Still, the lender wants to be assured about his money. So, he will ask you for a post dated check signed in advance and will keep it as a security against the loan amount. When the term gets over, he deposits that check in your account and gets back the money.

Fast payday loans are available for immense number of purposes. Because of the rapidity that these loans provide, you are mostly not asked about the purpose of loan. You can avail the money to fulfill any kind of emergency.

You can avail fast payday loans regardless of your financial situation. That means you can avail these loans despite having a bad credit history.

Fast payday loans are the answer to your instant cash need. With this loan you can fill the cash gaps that occur day to day and help you to lead a stress-free life.

Gary Grobowski is working as financial consultant for Quick Payday loans. He holds a masters degree in Finance. To find Fast payday loans, Quick payday loans UK, Cheap payday loans, Cheap payday loans UK, Instant payday loans visit http://www.quick-payday-loans.co.ukAurel Blog96291
Barbabra Blog50283

Giving Your Customers What They Want: Increase Revenues Through Product Recommendations

Right This Way, Please

When youre sandal shopping at your favorite Shoe Emporium, you may be drawn to the boot display across the aisle. Although you didnt come in looking for boots, you find yourself checking out with both beach sandals and ankle boots. This is the concept behind using product recommendations on your website: youre leading visitors step by step through your store. Your goal is to sell them the product they initially came to you for, but also to strategically direct their shopping session to sell them additional items.

Whats the Advantage?

Why should you, as a retailer, be making product recommendations? Several reasons:

You increase online sales. You gain cross-selling and up-selling opportunities.

Understanding what your customers want and predicting their behavior allows you to tailor your suggestions, and match them with products that theyre likely to buy.

Bring traffic to under populated areas of your website.

Gain exposure for your overall product catalog, and move products that were previously low in sales.

How Do Conversion Services Work?

Conversion solution http://CleverSet.com studies click streams, or the patterns by which shoppers explore websites. They track the order in which customers look at pages and how much time they spend on each page, and offer product recommendations based on individual customer behavior. Says CleverSet CEO, Todd Humphrey, We not only [look at] what happened in the past, but we actually anticipate where a shopper is going and make targeted recommendations by understanding what a visitor is doing now and what theyre going to do next.

Do I Need Outside Help?

That depends on the size of your product catalog. If you sell twenty or thirty different products, you can probably put together your own recommendation solution. With a smaller selection, your visitors have a better chance of being exposed to all of your various products. However, if you sell over a hundred different products, you could really benefit from the available technology, to understand your customers and offer them customized recommendations. Enthuses Humphrey, What were seeing is an increase of between ten percent and thirty-five percent, in terms of conversion rates!

Chris Malta and Robin Cowie of http://WorldwideBrands.com are the Writers and Hosts of The Entrepreneur Magazine EBiz and Product Sourcing Radio Shows. http://www.worldwidebrands.com/EMRinfo for more FREE eBiz info from Entrepreneur Magazine Radio!Anastassia Blog61620
Amara Blog90739

9 Acne Questions and Answers

If you have been distressed because ugly pimples keep popping up all over your face, you're probably wondering how to win your war over acne. This article's purpose is to answer a number of pertinent questions about acne and what you can do about getting your skin back to its former attractiveness.

1. When does acne begin?

It ordinarily commences when adolescence sets in. However, it can remain well into your adult years.

2. What is acne?

It is a very common skin problem caused by extra oil produced by your sebaceous glands. The pores of your skin become obstructed with this excess oil plus dead skin cells. In this situation your skin become a breeding home for bacterial infections -- has the unpleasant end result of unsightly acne on your face and probably parts of your body as well -- like your back and neck.

3. What causes acne?

It is commonly accepted that hormonal changes during puberty bring on the head-on attack of acne.

4. Does it cost a lot of money to fight disfiguring pimples?

It may well be expensive to try to win your own personal war against stubborn breakouts. But happily there are quite a few home treatments you can do yourself that cost very little -- such as being unrelenting about keeping your face really clean as well as eating healthy meals in the place of empty-calorie meals. When it comes to coping with ugly pimples, you may be glad to learn that many of the remedies can make a big difference in your acne problem -- however, they can be pricey.

5. What kinds of over-the-counter acne products are available?

There are a number of factors to take into consideration when someone is suffering with tenacious disfiguring pimples and as a result different types of treatments have been invented. For example, some remedies specialize in attacking the disorder caused by bacteria. Other products pack a fourfold punch -- removing infection, coping with the excess oil production, removing dead cells while trying to cover the destruction caused by pimples popping out all over your face. For example, you might want to give ProActiv a try. It's a popular over-the-counter product and is costly, but you might find that the expense is worth if it returns your skin to its former clear condition

6. How hard is it to find an blemishes treatment that actually works for you personally?

Most acne sufferers can be helped by the various kinds of disfiguring pimples remedies, But you have to be persistent as you are searching for just the right medicine for you. That's because when you choose a new product, you have to give it a good try and that may take a few weeks to see if the cream or lotion you chose works for you.

7. Can food allergies cause pus-filled lumps on your face?

They can and do, so you should be on the lookout to see if any of your favorite foods activate pimple breakouts and then eliminate them if they do.

8. How helpful is it to seek medical care if you are distressed from blemishes?

It just might be the answer for you to go to a dermatologist. There are certain medications that only a doctor can prescribe and one of them may work for you. For example, Accutane although costly, may work and be worth the investment. Remember to be alert for side effects though which you should discuss with your doctor before taking Accutane.

Another blemishes remedy that your medical specialist might prescribe is Retin-A. It not only can help acne, But it can improve wrinkles and skin discolorations and scars as well.

9. What do you do if your face has already been scarred from fighting your war against pimples?

If you often put your fingers on your blemishes or squeeze them or pick them, you will probably scar your face. And these scars can be permanent as well as unsightly. To prevent further scarring, keep yourhands and fingers away from your face.

Removing scars can be costly but well worth it in the long run. You may wish to seek the services of a plastic surgeon or dermatologist. There are several of techniques that have been created that really work to remove embarrassing and unsightly scars.

Don't be disheartened if you don't appear to be making progress in your continuing battle with pimples because help is available. Be relentless as you search for an pus-filled lumps on your face solution that banishes those zits. You'll be glad you didn't give up in your fight against acne.

Fight pimples by reading these acne tips -- http://www.azhealthtips.com/acne-products.html -- Patricia Wagner writes informative health tips at http://www.azhealthtips.com .Anette Blog66447
Angil Blog20610

Meet Instant Money Need through Unsecured Cash Loan

Monetary needs of salaried people often crop up by the time the month has gone by a bit. Till they get next paycheqe, smaller amount is what they seek to borrow. Unsecured cash loan meets well their requirement. There is no need for a borrower to offer any property for giving security of the loan to the lender and that is one reason the loan is popular. The loan can be utilized for any purpose one thinks fit.

No property is required to be placed as collateral in taking unsecured cash loan. This is mainly because the loan is essentially a short term loan for a repayment period of only one or two weeks. Such short duration normally leaves little scope for a payment default. The amount borrowed also is usually smaller ranging from 100 to 1000 which is smaller enough for an easy repayment of the loan. Moreover since the borrower is usually an employed person, this also ensures safe return of the loan. So there is no major need for the lender to secure the loan.

However some lenders may ask for a post dated checque from the borrower. The cheque contains borrowed amount and fee of the lender. At the repayment time, the lender deposits the cheque in borrowers account and withdraws the loaned amount.

There is one little disadvantage with the loan that it comes at higher interest rate. This is because the lender needs to cover the risk for a unsecured loan. Still higher interest rate is no barrio in taking the loan. Since the loan is paid back in one or two weeks, the lender feels no burden and moreover his priority is taking cash loan for urgency.

Unsecured cash loan is approved instantly and the amount comes in the loan seekers account within 24 hours. This is because the lender has ensured the repayment capacity by looking into details of borrowers monthly income and employment.

Bad credit of a borrower is no hurdle in the loan availing, though the loan is unsecured one. The interest rate and fee on the loan is too high for a borrower to delay the repayment. Apply for the loan online for a quick approval of the loan. But first search the right lender on internet. Compare interest rate and terms conditions of lenders before settling for the loan deal.

Unsecured cash loan provides you money without any collateral and that too within hours. Take the loan after studying carefully its aspects and compare the loan packages for better deal.

Olivia Maaret loans have recently began to play a strong part in deciding the financial future of general population. Olivia maaret can help you find the best loan at best interest rates. To find Unsecured cash loan, Cash loans, Online cash loan, Short term cash loan, Fast cash loan visit http://www.cash-loans-online.co.ukAlthea Blog92600
Amber Blog69726

How To Create Multiple Income Streams From Your Website

Creating multiple income streams from your website is a proven marketing strategy. An effective strategy anyone can use to earn a part-time or full-time online income. If you are not currently earning revenue from your site, you could be leaving significant amounts of cash floating in cyberspace.

Significant amounts of cash that can help pay your monthly bills: your rent or mortgage, your car payments, your utility bills or even your hosting costs. Many alert webmasters are doing just that by creating multiple income streams from their site or sites.

Creating these multiple income streams is not a difficult task. Nor is it a lengthy or time consuming one; monetizing your site can be done within a few hours of work.

Here are some effective ways of creating multiple income streams:

* 1. Affiliate Programs

Joining affiliate programs related to your site is an easy process. Placing html code or java script on your site with your affiliate IDs embedded only takes seconds. I find joining major affiliate networks like Commission Junction, LinkShare, Amazon, ClickBank, Shareasale... to be the most effective. You can quickly find and join affiliate programs related to your site's topics.

Affiliate programs are excellent income producers, all you have to do is supply the traffic or leads and the affiliate company does the selling, shipping and handles all customer interactions. These programs pay on time each month and there are no disputes about commissions. Amazon pays quarterly!

* 2. Google Adsense

Perhaps one of the easiest way to monetize your site is through Google Adsense. All you have to do is add a snippet of code to your site and Google serves up ads to match your site's content. Getting those checks from Google each month will put a smile on your face. Guaranteed!

* 3. Sponsored Links

Another simple way to earn revenue from your site is offering sponsored links. Selling links to other sites who want to be listed on your site. Set up a PayPal subscription service, and if your site has a high PR page rank you will have plenty of webmasters more than willing to pay you each month.

* 4. Banner Advertising

A simple, direct way to earn revenue from your site is to host and sell banner advertising on your site. Bit traditional but still a money producer for high traffic volume sites.

* 5. List Building

Building an opt-in list of contacts interested in the topic of your site can be one of your most effective income producers. Many webmasters and marketers use followup e-mails to keep in contact with their site's visitors. This does require some work and set-up time, but once you have your autoresponders in place, you can forget about them.

In addition, marketing special deals, joint ventures and offers to your permission based email contact list can be another lucrative income stream for you. That's just five ways to create multiple income streams from your site. There are many, many more but these are good starting points for any webmaster who wants to monetize their site or sites.

* Additional Marketing Tip

Here's my #1 marketing strategy on how to increase your number of income streams:

I use the Long Tail keyword marketing model to create high ranked keyword listings in organic search for profitable keyword phrases on the topics of my sites. First, I use a keyword research tool like Brad Callen's Keyword Elite or an online site Yahoo's Overture to find profitable keyword phrases for my sites.

These tools will tell you how many searches are made each month for a given keyword phrase and also tell you how much marketers are willing to pay for each click to this keyword phrase - as in PPC or Pay Per Click advertising.

The trick is to find low to mid-range keywords or keywords phrases that are profitable but have little competition. Then design a content page on your site to target these keyword phrases and draw in traffic. I use keyword targeted articles which I place on my site and also submit to online article directories like Ezinearticles, Goarticles, Articlealley, among others.

In the resource box at the end of each article, I place my keyword anchor text and links back to my site. As these are competitively low ranked keywords, my content pages usually land on the top positions in the search engines for my targeted keywords within a week or so.

This is a simple effective marketing strategy that feeds targeted traffic into my sites, making them more profitable with each keyword phrase I develop content for on my sites. It is an online marketing strategy that you can also use to booster your multiple income streams from your own website.

Granted, all the above information comes with a disclaimer, the amount of income will usually correlate to how effective you are at marketing your site and how much traffic you can generate. Your different abilities will play a large role in how much you will earn. However, there is no reason why any healthy site getting a decent amount of traffic can't be used to create multiple streams of income. Just cash in!

Copyright (c) 2006 Titus Hoskins

Titus Hoskins is a former teacher who now works full-time online operating numerous websites, including two sites on Internet marketing. For the latest web marketing tools try: http://www.marketingtoolguide.com For the latest Internet Marketing Strategies Go here: http://www.bizwaremagic.com 2006 Titus Hoskins. This article may be freely distributed if this resource box stays attached.Ariel Blog90118
Allys Blog15947

The Leo Wanta Saga, Pt. 20: Next Few Days Critical In Whether $4.5 Trillion Wanta Money Repatriated For Americans

The Ambassador Leo Wanta story has been ringing in the ears of high level officials all over the world for the last two weeks ever since President Bush and the Federal Reserve Board refused to honor a $4.5 trillion written agreement to release the money for the betterment of the American economy.

Wanta had previously entered into an agreement with high level U.S. authorities and a number of world wide banks to repatriate the massive amount of money.

But his efforts have been blocked by officials who are afraid to open up a "financial can of worms," leading to the misuse of trillions of offshore funds by Bush Sr., Clinton and many other high level U.S, officials.

Wanta has been declared legal trustor of more than $27.5 trillion in offshore funds amassed when he was instructed by President Ronald Reagan to destabilize the Russian currency at the end of the Cold War, which turned into a highly successful financial program beyond Wanta and Reagan's wildest dreams.

But instead of using the money to strengthen America after Reagan was out of the picture, Bush Sr. and Clinton devised a plan to use the money for their own underhanded purposes, jailing Wanta in the process, as they then created phony front companies and illegal trusts to use the money illegally.

Once Wanta was released from jail, he began a quest to recover the money against enormous odds and a level of corruption called by financial observers as the "biggest bank heist in the history of the world."

Although the incredible details of Wanta's patriotic search for trillions is too long and complicated for this short article, the story supposedly had a quasi-ending when the written settlement in May, assisted by two federal court judges, was entered into for the repatriation of $4.5 trillion.

However, when Wanta became alarmed by long delays, he gave officials until July 31 to release the money, saying this publicly on Greg Szymanski's radio show, The Investigative Journal, and confirmed by Michael C. Cottrell, treasurer of his AmeriTrust Groupe, Inc., the company established to return the money to the people in the form of an immediate $1.575 trillion in federal tax money and the balance of the money set aside for improving the bewildered American economy.

Furthermore, when the July 31 deadline came and went, Wanta vowed to take all steps necessary to recover the money and as this story went to publication, Cottrell said "we are moving forward," remaining confident in the final goal, which is full and final receipt for the money due Ambassador Wanta .

Besides the $4.5 trillion settlement, financial observers claim the Wanta saga is the tip of the ice berg, revealing a vast war chest of more than $300 trillion used by the New World Order, headed up in America by Bush Sr.

Coincidently, this amount was even confirmed by Bush Sr. in the federal court room of Judge Deborah Batts in 1989 when arrogantly stood up in front of lawyers and said when confronted with the possibility of the exposure and elimination of his illegal cash cow, the Federal Reserve:

"Over my dead body will this ever happen and I have a $300 trillion dollar war chest to fight it."

Although no firm time frame has been set for the resolution of the Wanta matter, observers claim next week is a critical period to watch.

Further, observers say to watch for "the bigger picture" as the Wanta's exposure of the misuse of trillions of offshore money could have reverberations worldwide leading to a possible shake-up in the Federal Reserve banking system and a round up to justice of many high level officials who have been illegally using trillions of dollars behind the backs of the American people and the people of the world.

However, while the officials do their financial wrangling, let's look at a sampling of emails, only a handful of thousands sent to Arctic Beacon by average Americans made aware of what has been called one of the most important stories in American history:

From Windsong in California:

I have been following this closely because of some mention of it on a forum I read quite often. I admire Ambassador Wanta for standing for truth and not being moved by people that have the power and influence on their side. It seems he is up against impossible odds. So I suppose my question is this, in light of the government's refusal to sign off on this, what is Wanta able to do? I hope all are exposed that are to blame for this, but other than that what leverage does he have. My prayers are with him.

From Loretta Weston in Arkansas:

I am editor for a small independent family-oriented newspaper in Arkansas USA interested in reporting on the Leo Wanta story. We are an all-volunteer staff where all funds go directly to printing/postage costs. However, we want to help spread the word to our over 4000 loyal readers in the US & Costa Rica. How can we get access to the full articles on your web site?

From Garrett Seick in Washington state:

For my part, I have contacted several journalists, editors and elected officials (WA) and Senate & Congressional Committees (Budget, Finance, etc). The responses/replies received from media-types indicated personal agreement that this issue needs exposure, but that it was outside the "scope" of the publication, or that it was too big to handle. On the elected official side - mostly standard-fare like this from Washington State Senator Patty Murray: (note: my reply to her response appears first)

Senator Murray,

All due respect, Ma'am. Thoughtful deliberation?... How about action on this issue! Come on, Senator! Get educated about it & bring this to the public eye. If not, you've been duly informed & will go down in history as complicit! Please, take action on this issue & help save America - land of the free (?) & home of the BRAVE.

Dear Mr. Seick:

Thank you for contacting my office. Your thoughtful comments regarding Leo Wanta are greatly appreciated. Representing the state of Washington in the United States Senate is a solemn responsibility, and matters which come before this body must be decided not in haste, but through thoughtful deliberation. ... Please be assured that I will keep your views in mind. Again, thank you for your comments. I hope you will stay in touch. Sincerely, Patty Murray United States Senator

From Jeanette Woodward-Partridge:

I wrote you the other day about my fear that if this government got a hold of $27.8 trillion dollars the world would be a nuclear graveyard in short order. I had an idea and I was wondering if you could run it by Ambassador Wanta next time you speak to him. Could these funds be divided among the LEGAL citizens of the US? That is every U.S. citizen, native or naturalized would get an equal share. Can you imagine how that would effect the economy of the world?! I'm so concerned about that money falling into the clutches of the powers that be that as I said I'd rather see it destroyed than to help fund the annihilation of the planet.

From Don DeHaven:

I have been e-mailing this story to my e-mail list and I have asked that they do the same. My list covers many states and in turn as it gets passed on many more states. I have also e-mailed Congressional reps as to my demands. I know that many on my list have done like wise. Keep up the work and please tell Mr. Wanta that he is not alone. The revolution has started and as many more Americans wake up to the criminal elements in government many more will be involved.

Greg SzymanskiAlayne Blog18150
Amara Blog70120

Success Is Simple When You Make Sense Of The Numbers

The vast majority of people in business don't really like numbers. They remember Math as being one of the harder subjects in school. And they never got interested in accounting.

Most of us go into business not because we love to pour through financial sheets, but because we like the thrill of designing a new product, the joy of making a sale, or simply the freedom of being your own boss.

But when you look at how many businesses fail, and WHY they fail, you have to step back and rethink things. A venture can have the most exciting products or services ever devised and plenty of customers and STILL not make a go of it.

Why? The answer is in the financial numbers.

Most businesses don't work out because their owners and managers don't fully understand their business' financial picture. When you have a complete and accurate view of your firm's finances, you know:

* How much money you are making
* How much money you're spending
* How much money you'll make or loose in the months ahead
* Know if your product is succeeding
* Know if your advertising is a waste of time
* Know if you need to order more product, or less, or even how to make money with your unused inventory

Your company's numbers quickly tell you all this and more. So how do you get access to these truths? Most small business experts will tell you to get a good accounting program like MS Money or Quickbooks. But that's not nearly enough.

Even though these programs are good, maybe even essential, you'll need more to fully understand what is going on in your company. That's why a whole industry has sprung up to supply these much needed forms, databases, and software.

Big box stores and other large retail and service organizations have always had access to this kind of advanced accounting power. They either use their own teams of in-house MBAs or sign up for very expensive outsourced financial management services.

Today you can have that same kind of expert help simply by logging onto the Internet. Many of the forms you'll need are available free. And you can get access to even more software and databases for a very small monthly fee.

Finally, BIG company financial power is readily in the hands of small and medium-sized businesses. Make sure you make full use of these resources. Your probability of success will be far higher and you may never have to worry about your company suffering serous setbacks.

Joseph Kennedy is a veteran of the banking industry and a former computer analyst. He is founder and CEO of http://www.businessbuilderonline.com, offering extensive financial, legal, and administrative forms you need to quickly succeed in business, plus much more. info@businessbuilderonline.com.Anastassia Blog61620
Arden Blog97199

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